Full Moon Yoga FEST

Our intention is to share the wisdom of yoga and help you use yoga to achieve and maintain optimal health and wellness.  We share ways to attain more wellness, more joy and more happiness in life, through the practice of asanas/yoga movements, mindfulness and breath awareness.  With that focus of sharing the yoga way and yoga wisdom, we try to hold events that are fun and bring joy to your yoga, making it more approachable, more distillable, more heartfelt.  We, periodically, have a mystical and enchanting event that we call a Full Moon Yoga Fest.   We were among the first to hold these events, starting in 2012 (2012 Full Moon Yoga Fest 3).
In 2013,  we held Full Moon Yoga Fest 6 on the rooftop of a Miami Beach hotel.  It was another enchanting evening that embodied the mindfulness, consciousness, and camaraderie of the yogis/participants who attended.  In 2014  Full Moon Yoga Fest 7  was celebrated  January 18th on the Great Lawn and Labyrinth of the Unitarian Universalist site in South Miami. It was truly mystical and magical, as the video slideshow shows. We had spectacular live music; African drums and percussion, sounding bowls and a didgeridoo seance during savasana, (final relaxation).  That same year, March 15th,   Full Moon Yoga Fest 8 was held bayside at Matheson Hammock Park in Coral Gables.  
In total, we’ve now held over 20 Full Moon Yoga Fest events.  They’re always fun, joyful, mystical and enchanting happenings.  Visit this page periodically for an announcement of our next scheduled Full Moon Yoga Fest.